Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024) WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2023 7A When I watched deal in my penny Chicago game, East was the dreaded Grapefruit, who owns and operates an acid disposition with a tongue to match. He berates his part- ners mercilessly. Grapefruit was East, and West led the king and then the queen of dia- monds against four spades. At the third trick West shifted to a heart: deuce, queen, ace. South his last diamond in dummy and led a trump, losing to ace.

He took the rest, making four, and Grapefruit informed West that a one-celled organism could outscore him on an IQ test. Ruff in dummy to the ace and a second Grapefruit roared, stop the diamond in no West protested. declarer takes six trumps, a heart and three Grapefruit told the kibitzers that if West had a brain transplant, the brain would reject him. Everybody was wrong. To beat four spades, West must lead a low trump at Trick Two.

South has no counter to that defense. Daily question You hold: 6 2 9 6 3 2 2 A 6 3 2. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens one spade. Your part- ner doubles, and you respond two hearts.

Opener rebids two spades, and two passes follow. What do you say? Answer: Since you seem to have about half the deck in high cards and a probable trump sell out at the two level. Bid three clubs. Your partner will re- turn to three hearts if he has four-card support. South dealer Both sides vulnerable BRIDGE FRANK STEWART Brain transplant wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at Daily Bridge Club Wednesday, November 29, 2023 When I watched deal in my penny Chicago game, East was the dreaded Grapefruit, who owns and operates an acid disposition with a tongue to match.

He berates his partners mercilessly. Grapefruit was East, and West led the king and then the queen of diamonds against four spades. At the third trick West shifted to a heart: deuce, queen, ace. South ruffed his last diamond in dummy and led a trump, losing to ace. He took the rest, making four, and Grapefruit informed West that a one- celled organism could outscore him on an IQ test.

RUFF IN DUMMY to the ace and a second Grapefruit roared, stop the diamond ruff in no West protested. declarer takes six trumps, a heart and three Grapefruit old the kibitzers th if West had a brain transplant, the brain would reject him. Everybody was wrong. To beat four spades, West must lead a low trump at Trick Two. South has no counter to that defense.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: 6 2 9 6 3 2 2 A 6 3 2. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens one spade. Your partner doubles, and you respond two hearts. Opener rebids two spades, and two passes follow.

What do you say? ANSWER: Since you seem to have about half the deck in high cards and a probable trump fit, sell out at the two level. Bid three clubs. Your partner will return to three hearts if he has four-card support. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 6 2 9 6 3 2 2 A 6 3 2 WEST EAST A 3 8 4 5 4 10 8 7 A 7 10 8 5 4 10 8 7 4 9 SOUTH 10 9 7 5 A 9 6 3 5 South West North East 1 Dbl 1 NT 2 3 Pass 4 All Pass Opening lead Tribune Content Agency, LLC Brain transplant By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency We put special brain-busting words into the grid of letters. Can you find them? By David L.

Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Boggle BrainBusters Bonus INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. You may only use each letter box once within a single word. Play with a friend and compare word finds, crossing out common words. MA I OW 11-29-23 BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 2023 Hasbro, Inc.

Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved. YOUR BOGGLE RATING BOGGLE POINT SCALE 3 letters 1 point 4 letters 2 points 5 letters 3 points 6 letters 4 points 7 letters 6 points 8 letters 10 points letters 15 points hamp 101- 150 xpert 61 -1 00 ro 31 60 Gamer 21 30 Rookie 11 20 A mateur 0 10 ry a gain Find AT LEAST FOUR COUNTRIES STARTING WITH in the grid of letters. Answers to Boggle BrainBusters: MULE MINK MOLE MOOSE MONKEY INSTRUCTIONS: Find as many words as you can by linking letters up, down, side-to-side and diagonally, writing words on a blank sheet of paper. Yo may only use each letter box once within a single word.

Play with a friend and compare word crossing out common words. BOGGLE BRAINBUSTERS KENKEN 1. Each row and column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 though 6 (challenging) without repeating. 2. The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners.

3. Freebies: in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner. ANSWER wait for your answers? Find all the puzzle answers at ANSWER DIRECTIONS: Make a 2- to 7-letter word from the letters in each row. Add points of each word, using scoring directions at right. Finally, 7-letter words get 50-point bonus.

used as any letter have no point value. All the words are in the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary, 5th Edition. ANSWER This is a theme puzzle with the subject stated at right. Find the listed words in the grid. They may run in any direction but always in a straight line.

Some letters are used more than once. Ring each word as you it and when you have completed the puzzle, there will be 20 letters left over. They spell out the alternative theme of the puzzle. FIND THE WORDS was a great investment for our Jan M. TO THE FIRST 50 CALLERS SENIORS MILITARY! YOUR ENTIRE OFF OFFOFF EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! FINANCING THAT FITS YOUR 1Subject to credit approval.

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Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.