Coffee stains can ruin a nice pair of jeans or a pretty dress or blouse in a hurry. It’s easy to misjudge a gesture and find a new stain spreading across your clean fabric. In those circumstances, it’s essential to know how to get coffee stains out of clothes.
Knowing what gets coffee stains out of clothes means you’ll be ready for any spill you run across. This article shows you the best way to get coffee out of clothes.
In this guide, you’ll discover how to get coffee stains out of clothes when you’re dealing with synthetic fabrics, and we also cover removing old coffee stains from clothes when you’re trying to clean natural fibers. You’ll be prepared to handle any coffee crisis that comes your way.
Table Of Contents
- How to Remove Coffee Stains from Clothes
- Cleaning Synthetic and Cotton Fabric
- Pretreat Your Clothes with Laundry Detergent
- Clean Coffee Stains with Club Soda
- Clean White Fabrics with Bleach, Peroxide, or Alcohol
- Remove Coffee Stains with Toothpaste
- The Best Way to Get Coffee Out of Clothes
- What Gets Coffee Stains Out of Clothes – Cleaning Natural Fibers
- Use Vinegar to Clean the Stain
- Get the Coffee Out with Egg Yolk
- Clean the Stain with Liquid Dish Soap
- Soak up the Coffee with Baking Soda
How to Remove Coffee Stains from Clothes
Your clothes come in a variety of types and styles, and you need to know how to clean every kind if you want to ensure that you know how to remove pit stains and coffee stains. Many of our coffee stain removal tips and recipes can also apply to remove tea stains from clothing, as well.
Try one method to see if it works. If it does, keep using it. If the stain remains, try another stain removal method. You have plenty at your disposal.
You’ll need to have a reliable method for getting your synthetic and cotton fabrics clean, for a start. Your wardrobe is probably full of t-shirts, shorts, terry cloth robes, and other cotton or synthetic items, and you need to have a tried-and-true cleaning method to handle them.
Cleaning Synthetic and Cotton Fabric
This section covers the best way to get coffee out of clothes made of cotton or synthetic fibers. You’ll get some outstanding cleaning recipes that you can use to pull coffee from all kinds of clothing. You can use these cleaners without worrying about damaging your clothes.
Pretreat Your Clothes with Laundry Detergent
If you’ve got something that works to clean your clothes under normal circumstances, it stands to reason that you can use that same cleaner to treat coffee stains. Liquid laundry detergent is perfect for cleaning coffee stains from fabric when you pretreat with it, and it’s dynamite for getting chocolate out of clothes, too.
Use this method for rinsing out dried-in coffee stains. Add a drop or so of detergent to any stain you find. Rub the back of the stain against the front of the stain to work the detergent into the fabric. Let the clothes sit for an hour, and then run them through a wash cycle. Repeat as needed.
Clean Coffee Stains with Club Soda
Club soda is perfect for dealing with fresh coffee stains and works wonders on coffee spills that cause carpet stains, too. Club soda contains sodium bicarbonate, which creates effervescence and works on stains.
If you spill coffee on yourself on the way to work and can’t change clothes, use club soda to soak up the stain and prevent it from becoming more permanent.
Club Soda Coffee Cleaner
- Club soda, fresh and carbonated
- A clean, dry cloth
- Paper towels
Dampen a cloth with club soda, and use it to blot at your stains. Place a paper towel on the underside of the stain to soak up excess liquid as you blot. Replace the cloth when it gets too dirty, and repeat until the stain lifts off the fabric.
Clean White Fabrics with Bleach, Peroxide, or Alcohol
White materials are especially vulnerable to coffee stains and are more challenging to return to spotless condition. A little coffee can leave a dark spot on your white clothing and ruin it, so it’s essential to know how to treat it to pull out any discolorations.
Bleach, rubbing alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide are all bleaching agents that you can employ to restore your white fabric. Test this cleaning solution on a hard-to-see spot before using it on the stain
White Fabric Coffee Remover
- 1 tsp chlorinated bleach, rubbing alcohol, or hydrogen peroxide
- 2 cups hot water
- Gloves
- Old toothbrush
- Clean microfiber cloth
For removing coffee stain from a white shirt or other white clothing or material, combine the bleaching agent and hot water, and wet a cloth in the solution. Blot at the stain to lift out any liquid, and use an old toothbrush to scrub any stubborn stains. Run the clothes through a hot wash cycle after you treat them.
Remove Coffee Stains with Toothpaste
You can use toothpaste to get all manner of things clean, from coins to cars to tiles. Toothpaste is ideal for getting your synthetic fabrics back to like-new condition. Use a little toothpaste to tackle tough coffee stains and leave your clothes looking bright and beautiful again.
Toothpaste Coffee Stain Remover
- Non-gel toothpaste
- Old toothbrush
- Gloves
- Bowl of cold water
- Clean cloth
Use a cloth to apply a bit of toothpaste to the stain. Dip a toothbrush in water, and use it to scrub the stain until the coffee lifts out. Blot the stain with a cloth as you work to pull out the liquid. Send the clothing through a wash cycle when you finish cleaning it.
The Best Way to Get Coffee Out of Clothes
Not all of your clothing will respond to your cleaners. Your wardrobe contains natural fibers that react to coffee in their own way and need special treatment to get clean again. If you want your closet to include only unstained clothes, you need to know how to clean coffee from natural fibers such as wool.
What Gets Coffee Stains Out of Clothes – Cleaning Natural Fibers
In this section, you’ll learn how to get your natural fibers clean and looking their best. We show you what gets coffee stains out of clothes made from angora, wool, silk, and many other natural materials. You’ll be prepared to deal with coffee stains on any fabric after you complete this section.
Use Vinegar to Clean the Stain
Vinegar is your best friend in the pantry. You can use vinegar for a million different uses in meals and around the home, and it’s just the thing to get your clothing coffee-free and ready for the ball.
Vinegar isn’t just for coffee on natural fabrics, either. You can use vinegar as a way to get oil stains out of clothes of all fabric types, including cotton and synthetic.
Vinegar Stain Remover
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 cup cool water
- Spray bottle
- Clean microfiber cloth
Combine equal parts white vinegar and cool water in a spray bottle. Blot any excess liquid off the fabric with a clean, damp cloth, and spray a few drops of the vinegar solution on the stain. Work the cleaner into the material, and let it sit for an hour. Run your clothes through a regular wash cycle.
Get the Coffee Out with Egg Yolk
Egg yolk might not seem like a likely candidate for cleaning coffee stains, but you may be surprised to learn that it’s perfect for the job. The protein in the egg attracts the coffee and cleans stains without requiring much elbow grease.
It’s perfect when you need easy ways to remove coffee stains in a hurry. Try this cleaner when you’re dealing with a stubborn coffee stain on a shirt or the upholstery on your sofa or chairs, too.
Egg Yolk Coffee Stain Remover
- Egg yolk
- 2 cups warm water
- Soft-bristled brush
- 1 tsp rubbing alcohol
- Clean cloth
- Paper towels
To use this simple recipe to get rid of coffee stains, remove as much of the excess coffee as you can by blotting the stain with a paper towel. Mix the yolk, alcohol, and water.
Dip a scrub brush in the egg mixture, and scrub at the stains until they lift off the fabric. Run your treated clothes through a wash cycle in the washing machine. Repeat if the stain remains.
Clean the Stain with Liquid Dish Soap
Dish soap breaks grease and other compounds down, making them easier to clean away. You can make a first-rate coffee stain remover using liquid dish soap that won’t damage your clothing or pose a health hazard to your family.
Try this recipe to clean off baked-in stains. You can substitute powdered dishwashing detergent for the dish soap if necessary.
Liquid Dish Soap Coffee Stain Remover
- 1 tbsp Dawn dish soap or a similar brand
- 2 cups warm water
- Clean cloth
- Paper towels
Use a dry, clean paper towel to blot away liquid coffee. Mix the dish soap and water, and wet a cloth in the mixture. Use the cloth to scrub at any coffee stains.
Rewet the cloth as needed, and blot the stain with a paper towel as you work. Repeat until you clean the stain off the fabric. Run the clothes through a regular wash cycle to remove mayonnaise stains from fabric or any other oil based spots.
Soak up the Coffee with Baking Soda
In addition to its abrasive cleaning power, baking soda is an absorbent material that you can use to soak up all kinds of odors and liquids. The same way you can use baking soda to directly clean your coffee maker, you can use it for stains. It’s just what you need to get your clothes coffee-free and beautiful again. Try baking soda to stop all sorts of stains on both natural and synthetic fabrics.
Baking Soda Stain Remover
- 1 cup baking soda
- Paper towels
- 1 cup of cold water
- Clean cloth
Use a clean, dry paper towel to blot away any liquid. Combine the baking soda and water in a bowl, and apply the paste to stains using a cloth. Wait an hour, and then use a clean cloth to crumble the dried paste off the clothing. Send the clothes through a regular wash cycle to complete the cleaning.
We hope you had a delightful experience exploring our coffee stain removal tips. We’ve all had to deal with coffee stains on our clothes from time to time.
It’s essential to know the best way to get coffee out of clothes to ensure that our wardrobes stay clean and unstained. Our guide gives you recipes you can use on synthetic and natural fabrics to keep your garments spotless.
Thanks for checking our recommendations for what gets coffee stains out of clothes. If you found our suggestions for how to get coffee stains out of clothes to be of help, we’d appreciate it if you’d share these stain removal tricks on Facebook and Pinterest with your family and friends.